the exhibition sum of the parts: serial imagery in printmaking, 1500 to now presents selections from the grunwald center for the graphic arts that highlight various organizing principles within the serial format of printmaking, from pictorial narratives to thematic groupings, iconographic sequences marking time and place, as well as structural and conceptual progressions.
my starting point for this exhibition identity is based around the idea of a sum of parts proposed by the exhibition title itself. to do this, i used a typeface of my own design, k.73r, which looks to methods of modular typeface construction employed throughout the history of type design, creating characters from individual geometric parts, that, when viewed in combination, can be read as letters and words.
designed materials include gallery exterior and interior graphics and wall texts, onsite largescale digital signage, page in seasonal print calendar, and postcards for the museum store.1
artists in the exhibition include sebald beham, jacques callot, albrecht dürer, wassily kandinsky, john martin, henri matisse, bridget riley, félix vallotton, and zarina. the exhibition is curated by naoko takahatake, director and chief curator, grunwald center for the graphic arts, with jennie waldow, luce curatorial fellow.